Saturday, October 1, 2011

My Story

I am a grieving parent. Our daughter, Molly, was killed on September 27, 2009 in the parking lot of a 7-11 convenience store. She was returning to their car when a gun fell from the car door, discharging and killing her. Molly did not grow up in a home with guns. We did not believe it was safe for children to be around them. However Molly, a 6-month newlywed, and her husband had been on a camping trip that weekend. The gun belonged to her husband's father and they had been target shooting in the canyons near their campsite; something her husband had done for several years. There are many details about that day that are so hard to accept, but the fact is, our beautiful daughter was killed. She died one week before her 20th birthday. (newspaper account )

There is no way to aptly describe what it is like to receive a phone call with news that your child has been killed. There is an instant when you think you are dead too; when you beg God to 'fix it' or to let you change places with her. There is no way to describe the feeling of not being able to say goodbye, to realize that your last conversation with her was really your LAST conversation with her. I've described much of that feeling in a blog I dedicated to Molly titled: My Big Red Shoe.

They tell us there are stages of grieving and I believe they are right. At some point we all go through varying degrees of them. The sad truth is there will never be a finish line. Shock, anger, dark despair, isolation, depression can and will manifest themselves in some fashion. Somewhere along the way I realized that choices had to be made. The search for hope became a daily goal. Without it I knew I would fall into a deeper darker place. Faith needed reinvestigation, life required a new perspective and a new journey began.

I wish you peace if you are travelling this road. I believe the spirit of our daughter, Molly, surrounds us and that she watches us from heaven. May the light of hope shine in your heart like the love you have for the child you brought into this world. May you find your way along this journey and discover your own light. May your friends and loved ones provide support and care, and whether you travel this road alone or with support.... may you discover a strength you never knew you had. Peace and blessings, ~Marsha

 In Memory of our daughter Molly (10/4/89 - 9/27/09).
 She was a huge light in our family. Let the light of her love, humor and fun continue to shine.... and help us to do our best to share that light with others.
 Our children are not gone; their ship just sailed before ours. 
They'll be there to greet us.

What we do in memory of our children
has the energy of love attached to it.
The ways in which we give to others (volunteer, help to raise money for causes, speak, etc) will share that love with the world.
 Give. ♥

Our daughter Molly. 
On October 4, 1989 she came into this world
 and into our family's hearts.
On Sept 27th, 2009 she left, leaving us with memories of her beautiful smile,
contagious laughter and sentimental heart.
Our feelings of love and loss are indescribable.
Thank you God for the gift of Molly.

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